Alexandria Virtual Cultural Centre of WA
“Big Bell Theatre” transition plan:
- Develop the core artistic ensemble for Rotating Repertoire Theatre.
- Conduct the meetings and facilitate the needs of the participating theatre directors and other creative personnel in moulding the repertoire. Develope the work through meaningful, well planned, and structured research & workshop processes, leaving the ensemble with full confidence that they have acquired necessary competence for continual development of a play throughout the life of the performance.
- Coordinate and facilitate all necessary meetings, studies, research and lobby to build technical, marketing and managerial structure that will secure financially viable and independent future for the company.
- Pave the way for the similar artistic structures and introduce into the creative competition a valid Theatre system that was until now excluded from Australian vision for the Arts.
Artistic Director Boris Radmilovich
Alexandria - Acting on the brighter future for the professional arts in Australia